

You can try the code shown on this page directly in your browser by following this link: crestdsl-demo

crestdsl is shipped as Python library. After it’s Installation you can simply import it. On this page, we will look into the creation of system models, so let’s import the model subpackage.

import crestdsl.model as crest

Defining Resources

CREST (crestdsl’s underlying formalism) was created for the modelling of resource-flows such as light and electricity within cyber-physical systems. In CREST and crestdsl, resources are combinations of resource names and their value domains.

Resource names are simple strings, value domains can be infinite, such as real and integer, or discrete such as ["on", "off"], as shown for the switch below. crestdsl provides several resource types such as INT, REAL, INTEGER, FLOAT, etc.

electricity = crest.Resource("Watt", crest.REAL)  # a real-valued resource
switch = crest.Resource("switch", ["on", "off"])  # a discrete resource
light = crest.Resource("Lumen", crest.INTEGER)  # a (mathematical) integer resource
counter = crest.Resource("Count", crest.INT)  # an int resource (int32)
time = crest.Resource("minutes", crest.REAL)
celsius = crest.Resource("Celsius", crest.REAL)
fahrenheit = crest.Resource("Fahrenheit", crest.REAL)

Creating System Entities

The resources that we defined above, are be consumed, produced and transformed in the system model’s components. These components are specified as “entities”. To create an entity, we define a Python class that inherits from crest.Entity.

Each entity coherently defines its communication interface, internal structure and behaviour.

The communication interface is made up from Input and Output ports. These two port types allow each entity to access resources and data coming from outside its scope and expose its own resources and data to the outside. Each port has to be initialised with a resource and an initial value. The difference between the two port types is that inputs can only be read from within the entity, and outputs can only be written. Thus output port values cannot influence any of the entity’s behaviour.

The entity’s hybrid behaviour is defined using two concepts. A discrete state automaton and continuous value updates. The state automaton is created by defining State objects and Transitions between them. Transitions specify one source and target state and are guarded by functions or lambda functions which access the entity’s ports to return a boolean value that signifies whether the transition is enabled or not. Every entity has to specify one current state.

Continuous behaviour is modelled using Updates. Updates relate a state, a target port and a function. When the automaton is in the respective state, the update is “continuously” executed. The “continuous” execution is only of theoretical. Practically, at runtime, crestdsl’s Simulator takes care that the function is executed whenever necessary. The update’s function specifies two parameters: self and dt. When executing, self is a reference to the entity itself and dt is the time that passed since the update was last executed. Thus, updates can be used to model continuous behaviour. (We’ll see an example later in this tutorial.)


crestdsl offers the definition of transitions and updates using decorator annotations such as @transition and @update to simplify the specification.

Below, we define the LightElement entity, which models the component that is responsible for producing light from electricity. It defines one input and one output port.


Entities can also contain Influences, Local ports and subentities. We will see the use of these concepts further below.

class LightElement(crest.Entity):
    """This is a definition of a new Entity type. It derives from CREST's Entity base class."""

    """we define ports - each has a resource and an initial value"""
    electricity_in = crest.Input(resource=electricity, value=0)
    light_out = crest.Output(resource=light, value=0)

    """automaton states - don't forget to specify one as the current state"""
    on = crest.State()
    off = current = crest.State()

    """transitions and guards (as lambdas)"""
    off_to_on = crest.Transition(source=off, target=on, guard=(lambda self: self.electricity_in.value >= 100))
    on_to_off = crest.Transition(source=on, target=off, guard=(lambda self: self.electricity_in.value < 100))

    update functions. They are related to a state, define the port to be updated and return the port's new value
    Remember that updates need two parameters: self and dt.
    @crest.update(state=on, target=light_out)
    def set_light_on(self, dt=0):
        return 800

    @crest.update(state=off, target=light_out)
    def set_light_off(self, dt=0):
        return 0

Another Entity (The HeatElement)

It’s time to model the heating component of our growing lamp. Its functionality is simple: if the switch_in input is on, 1% of the electricity is converted to addtional heat under the lamp. Thus, for example, by providing 100 Watt, the temperature underneath the lamp grows by 1 degree centigrade.

class HeatElement(crest.Entity):
    """ Ports """
    electricity_in = crest.Input(resource=electricity, value=0)
    switch_in = crest.Input(resource=switch, value="off")  # the heatelement has its own switch
    heat_out = crest.Output(resource=celsius, value=0)      # and produces a celsius value (i.e. the temperature increase underneath the lamp)

    """ Automaton (States) """
    state = current = crest.State() # the only state of this entity

    @crest.update(state=state, target=heat_out)
    def heat_output(self, dt):
        # When the lamp is on, then we convert electricity to temperature at a rate of 100Watt = 1Celsius
        if self.switch_in.value == "on":
            return self.electricity_in.value / 100
            return 0

A Logical Entity

CREST does not specify a special connector type that defines what is happening for multiple incoming influence, etc. Instead standard entities are used to define add, minimum and maximum calculation which is then written to the actual target port using an influence.

We call such entities logical, since they don’t have a real-world counterpart.

# a logical entity can inherit from LogicalEntity,
# to emphasize that it does not relate to the real world
class Adder(crest.LogicalEntity):
    heat_in = crest.Input(resource=celsius, value=0)
    room_temp_in = crest.Input(resource=celsius, value=22)
    temperature_out = crest.Output(resource=celsius, value=22)

    state = current = crest.State()

    @crest.update(state=state, target=temperature_out)
    def add(self, dt):
        return self.heat_in.value + self.room_temp_in.value

Composition of a System

Finally, we compose the entire GrowLamp entity based on the components we defined above. In CREST any system that is composed of multiple entities has to be hierarchically structured. This means that there is one “root” entity that contains all other entities. In our case, the root entity will be defined in the GrowLamp class. All other entities (i.e. the HeatElement, LightElement and Adder) will be defined as its subentities. Subentities are connected through influences and updates between their ports.

The reason for this strictly hierarchical definition is that this way we can easily reuse the GrowLamp as a subentity in an even bigger system.

Continuous Behaviour The GrowLamp below uses Local ports to hold data. Local ports behave just as input and output ports, except that they cannot be accessed from outside the entity’s scope.

Below, we can see that the update update_time is used to continuously increase the value of the on_time local. Every time the update is executed, the port’s value is increased by the time that has passed (dt).

Influences Influences “statically link” two ports. The influence’s source port’s value is permanently written to its target port, such that any modification of the source port is also reflected in its target port. Additionally, influences can also be defined as @influence decorators for entity methods. This results that the target port’s value is a function of the source port value. In the growing lamp this functionality is used to convert the temperature unit from fahrenheit to celsius (see fahrenheit_to_celsius).

Actions CREST allows the specificaiton of one further form of behaviour: Actions. Actions are functions that are executed every time a certain transition is fired. Below, the count_switching_on action is used to increase the on_count port every time the growing lamp is turned on.

class GrowLamp(crest.Entity):

    """ - - - - - - - PORTS - - - - - - - - - - """
    electricity_in = crest.Input(resource=electricity, value=0)
    switch_in = crest.Input(resource=switch, value="off")
    heat_switch_in = crest.Input(resource=switch, value="on")
    room_temperature_in = crest.Input(resource=fahrenheit, value=71.6)

    light_out = crest.Output(resource=light, value=3.1415*1000) # note that these are bogus values for now
    temperature_out = crest.Output(resource=celsius, value=4242424242) # yes, nonsense..., they are updated when simulated

    on_time = crest.Local(resource=time, value=0)
    on_count = crest.Local(resource=counter, value=0)

    """ - - - - - - - SUBENTITIES - - - - - - - - - - """
    lightelement = LightElement()
    heatelement = HeatElement()
    adder = Adder()

    """ - - - - - - - INFLUENCES - - - - - - - - - - """
    Influences specify a source port and a target port.
    They are always executed, independent of the automaton's state.
    Since they are called directly with the source-port's value, a self-parameter is not necessary.
    @crest.influence(source=room_temperature_in, target=adder.room_temp_in)
    def fahrenheit_to_celsius(value):
        return (value - 32) * 5 / 9

    # we can also define updates and influences with lambda functions...
    heat_to_add = crest.Influence(source=heatelement.heat_out, target=adder.heat_in, function=(lambda val: val))

    # if the lambda function doesn't do anything (like the one above) we can omit it entirely...
    add_to_temp           = crest.Influence(source=adder.temperature_out, target=temperature_out)
    light_to_light        = crest.Influence(source=lightelement.light_out, target=light_out)
    heat_switch_influence = crest.Influence(source=heat_switch_in, target=heatelement.switch_in)

    """ - - - - - - - STATES & TRANSITIONS - - - - - - - - - - """
    on = crest.State()
    off = current = crest.State()
    error = crest.State()

    off_to_on = crest.Transition(source=off, target=on, guard=(lambda self: self.switch_in.value == "on" and self.electricity_in.value >= 100))
    on_to_off = crest.Transition(source=on, target=off, guard=(lambda self: self.switch_in.value == "off" or self.electricity_in.value < 100))

    # transition to error state if the lamp ran for more than 1000.5 time units
    @crest.transition(source=on, target=error)
    def to_error(self):
        """More complex transitions can be defined as a function. We can use variables and calculations"""
        timeout = self.on_time.value >= 1000.5
        heat_is_on = self.heatelement.switch_in.value == "on"
        return timeout and heat_is_on

    """ - - - - - - - UPDATES - - - - - - - - - - """
    # LAMP is OFF or ERROR
    @crest.update(state=[off, error], target=lightelement.electricity_in)
    def update_light_elec_off(self, dt):
        # no electricity
        return 0

    @crest.update(state=[off, error], target=heatelement.electricity_in)
    def update_heat_elec_off(self, dt):
        # no electricity
        return 0

    # LAMP is ON
    @crest.update(state=on, target=lightelement.electricity_in)
    def update_light_elec_on(self, dt):
        # the lightelement gets the first 100Watt
        return 100

    @crest.update(state=on, target=heatelement.electricity_in)
    def update_heat_elec_on(self, dt):
        # the heatelement gets the rest
        return self.electricity_in.value - 100

    @crest.update(state=on, target=on_time)
    def update_time(self, dt):
        # also update the on_time so we know whether we overheat
        return self.on_time.value + dt

    """ - - - - - - - ACTIONS - - - - - - - - - - """
    # let's add an action that counts the number of times we switch to state "on"
    @crest.action(transition=off_to_on, target=on_count)
    def count_switching_on(self):
        Actions are functions that are executed when the related transition is fired.
        Note that actions do not have a dt.
        return self.on_count.value + 1