
Simulation allows us to execute the model and see its evolution. crestdsl’s simulator is located in the simultion module. In order to use it, we have to import it.

# import the simulator
from crestdsl.simulation import Simulator

After the import, we can use a simulator by initialising it with a system model. In our case, we will explore the GrowLamp system that we defined above.

gl = GrowLamp()
sim = Simulator(gl)


The simulator will execute the system’s transitions, updates and influences until reaching a fixpoint. This process is referred to as stabilisation. Once stable, there are no more transitions can be triggered and all updates/influences/actions have been executed. After stabilisation, all ports have their correct values, calculted from preceeding ports.

In the GrowLamp, we see that the value’s of the temperature_out and light_out ports are wrong (based on the dummy values we defined as their initial values). After triggering the stabilisation, these values have been corrected.

The simulator also has a convenience API plot() that allows the direct plotting of the entity, without having to import and call the elk library.


Stabilisaiton also has to be called after the modification of input values, such that the new values are used to update any dependent ports. Further, all transitions have to be checked on whether they are enabled and executed if they are.

Below, we show the modification of the growlamp and stabilisation. Compare the plot below to the plot above to see that the information has been updated.

# modify the growlamp instance's inputs directly, the simulator points to that object and will use it
gl.electricity_in.value = 500
gl.switch_in.value = "on"

Time advance

Evidently, we also want to simulate the behaviour over time. The simulator’s advance(dt) method does precisely that, by advancing dt time units.

Below we advance 500 time steps. The effect is that the global system time is now t=500 (see the growing lamp’s title bar). Additionally, the local variable on_time, which sums up the total amount of time the automaton has spent in the on state, has the value of 500 too - Just as expected!
