crestdsl.config module

crestdsl.config.config = <crestdsl.config.ConfigObject object>

A global singleton object that holds various settings, e.g. for global choice of the default plotting library or the rounding precision of the output values. Import it with from crestdsl.config import config to access the properties.

class crestdsl.config.ConfigObject

An object that holds various configuration settings that are used throughout crestdsl.

approx = 100

precision for when we have to round z3’s fractions to actual numbers

consider_behaviour_changes = True

This should be True if you’re using conditinoal statements in your updates/influences/guards, etc.

property default_plotter

The default plotting library used.

What is the default plotting output library. Currently the choice is between elk and graphviz dot

epsilon = 1e-10

When converting from infinitesimal values to actual float numbers, what value should epsilon take? (Should be very small)

property interactive

This value tells us if we’re running in Jupyter or not.

plotformat = 'png'

When we’re in commandline and plotting graphviz to a file, we’ll use this format. Possible output values are listed here:

record_traces = True

Should the simulator record traces by default? (needs a small amount of more performance & memory)

remove_epsilon_transition_after = 5

If we detect the same transition doing lots of epsilon steps, we block it after this many detections.

property set_default_plotter

The default plotting library used.

What is the default plotting output library. Currently the choice is between elk and graphviz dot

ui_display_round = 4

When showing numbers in plots, to what precision should they be rounded?

use_integer_and_real = True

Should we replace Python’s int and float with Z3’s Integer and Real for simulation?